Gym Training

Get strength and energy from the gym! If you need support, for example, in using the gym equipment, a UniSport personal trainer will be at your service free of charge during the guidance and advice hours.

Buy a training card

Guidance and Consultation schedule

You can have access to this service with a training card, a 10-visit card or by paying for a single visit in following sports centres:

Kluuvi Kumpula Otaniemi MeilahtiTöölö


How can you start exercising in the gym and what do you need to bring with you?

  • You need a training card (a Half-day or All-day Card for 1, 4 or 12 months), a 10-visit card or you can pay a per-visit fee.
  • Bring sports clothing, clean gym shoes or socks, a drinking bottle and a towel. Always use a towel in our gyms to keep the equipment and facilities cleaner and hygienic. That way everyone will be able to enjoy training.
  • We have a gym etiquette that everyone should follow to ensure a nice workout experience for all.

Get to know the gym etiquette

How can you best get started with gym exercise?

You can start gym exercise independently. We also provide help so you can get started easily.

  • Take part in our Gym Start course, on which you will go through the programme with an instructor. You will find out in the course descriptions which courses use the programme.
  • Take advantage of our free Gym Guidance service.  A personal trainer will go through the exercises with you and give you tips for training.
  • We recommend a personal trainer for systematic and individual coaching or for a more comprehensive or complicated training programme or a programme planned for several sports.  
  • For exercise in groups or with a friend or your partner we recommend our PT-Groups.

    Browse and book gym courses

When are the quietest or busiest times in the gym?

Many enthusiastic customers who have found the joy of sports use our gyms.  The busiest times at the gym are usually in the evenings after most working people have finished their day at work. The largest number of people use the gym at the beginning of the autumn season and straight after the new year resolutions in January and February. This phenomenon is well-known at gyms and in leisure-time activities.

Gym workshops

we are offering workshops for gym-goers led by personal trainers!

Gym workshops