UniSport as an employer

Would you like to work with us?

UniSport is a joint sports and well-being service organisation owned by Aalto University, Hanken, the University of Helsinki and the University of the Arts. We are Finland's largest organisation providing university sports services and also one of the largest organisations providing sports services. 

Our aim is to promote well-being in the university community and society by increasing individuals' awareness of their own well-being by enabling them to take part in physical activity and creating an atmosphere conducive to physical activity.

Our vision is for UniSport to be a part of the everyday life of everyone working or studying at university. We are more than a sports centre; we want to provide our customers with comprehensive well-being and good feeling. Our values include joy and courage as well as sense of community and responsibility.

Our facilities are located in central Helsinki, and in Kumpula, Meilahti, Otaniemi and Töölö. Our services are used every year by about 27 000 customers with over a million individual visits. Our services are available for all, and everyone is sure to find a type of exercise that they like. We dare to say that our selection of sports is the largest in the metropolitan area, and we also have the nicest customers.

Would you like to work with us?

Would you like to be a part of creating well-being and a good feeling for our customers? Do you agree with our values? We are constantly looking for new customer service and sports professionals and massage therapists. With us, you will have the opportunity to work in different types of employment relationships or as an entrepreneur.

We expect our employees to have an exercise-friendly and encouraging attitude, the ability to communicate in Finnish and English and a customer-oriented mind-set. In addition

  • We expect our customer service personnel to have experience in customer service or sales and handling a register
  • We expect our sports instructors to have basic training in their sport or service (e.g. Les Mills instructor, yoga instructor or personal trainer) and instructing experience.
  • We expect our massage therapists to have a vocational degree in massage therapy.

See our Open positions or send an open application to unisport-rekrytointi@helsinki.fi.

What is it like to work for us?