Aino Haarala

Personal trainer



  • FIHF Personal trainer 
  • Physiotherapist, sport physiotherapist (sert.)
  • Sports massage therapist

Exercise background and work experience

I have always been involved in the world of fitness and physical activity in some way or another. My extensive background in team gymnastics led me to become a gymnastics coach and further pursue studies in physiotherapy. Movement and mobility have always fascinated me. In my current job, I have the opportunity to guide others to move better and, as a bonus, engage in physical activity myself. Currently, my dearest hobbies are dancing and strength training.

As a coach, I find goal setting and strategic planning to be of utmost importance. Goals can range from improving everyday endurance to enhancing athletic performance or achieving better results in one's own sport. I have worked with people of various ages, from children to seniors. As a coach, I am supportive and attentive to details. In addition to coaching, I also work as a physiotherapist at the clinic and with junior athletes in their own training environments. Together, we create results!

My motto: "Movement is medicine" – a phrase widely used, and for a good reason!


Suomi, englanti


Kluuvi, Kumpula