UniSport values
Joy bubbles up in UniSport in many ways. Joy is especially evident in our work whenever when we meet another person, be it a customer or a colleague. You could say that the source of joy is our whole UniSport community in a broad sense, which is made up of all our customers and employees across UniSport. At UniSport, we rejoice in each other. Every encounter is an opportunity for joy. Concrete moments of joy in our days are genuine encounters, for example when customers say hello and thank you, or when a colleague offers support and encouragement. As UniSport employees, we delight in the happy faces around us, no matter where we are working or in the centres. Joy feeds more joy and is contagious. At UniSport, we get to be part of making exercise fun and good for our clients and each other, which makes our work meaningful. There is a joyful vibe in what we do. We also see sport itself as a source of joy. Sport brings joy in a wide range of ways: the joy of working together, the joy of being able to do something, sometimes even of being empowered, the experience of success, and so on. Joy is also sometimes generated by the small, big, private aspects of everyday life, such as the fact that laundry has been washed in the centre with ecological detergent. We are still happy after more than 25 years of UniSport. The joy of the Unisport experience is strongly linked to the people-oriented approach. The experience of joy comes from being with other people: from encounters that will continue tomorrow.
At UniSport, we take a responsible approach to our workplace, our work community and the world around us. At UniSport, we believe in working for people's well-being, people first, rather than achieving our goals at any cost to humanity. At UniSport, we strive to be responsible team players. We are aware of our responsibility as part of our work community and we want to bring the best possible contribution to our team and take our fellow human beings into consideration. Responsibility at UniSport is to look critically at our own and our collective practices from time to time and, if necessary, to be able to develop in an even better direction for the common good. As an example of this, we at UniSport have, for example, harmonised our sick leave policies for our employees, because we trust each other in both directions and strive for fairness. Responsibility is therefore about concrete actions. As a concrete example, eco-friendliness has influenced the food and drinks served at our events. We have even sent gym equipment to Tanzania. So we also want to take care of the world around us and continue to promote recycling and sustainable living. At the same time, we know that sustainability often comes down to those small but meaningful everyday actions.
At UniSport, we have the courage to stay ahead of the curve and even reach out to pioneer, as we are willing to look with an open mind at our understanding of people, sporting innovations and the wider world, and to push the new and the unknown. We are bold in our ideas and ready to change when necessary. We dare to speak up for the common good and propose new solutions and directions. UniSport members give examples of UniSport courage as follows. As a case study, a UniSport member's own personality in the public eye on UniSport's social media receives special praise for courage!
Courage is also remembering to pass on important feedback about your success to a colleague, rather than just thinking about it in your own mind and not sharing it. This will reinforce the good direction and make it more likely to continue in the future. Courage is about remaining open, asking questions boldly and also answering the questioner boldly. Courage is admitting you made a mistake and accepting your humanity. Mistakes are not the end of the world, they are lessons to be learned - and not just about the issue itself, but also about being merciful to yourself.
Courage is about tolerating occasional discomfort and facing even the most challenging work situations with patience, and then finding your way back to joy. Courage is being curious and educating yourself, being willing to evolve and sometimes to change your previous views. There are many different kinds of courage at UniSport. UniSport members are willing to brainstorm, experiment and venture into the unknown together.
The Community
At UniSport, community can be seen on many levels: in our customers and in the community of our staff. At UniSport we genuinely want to participate in what we do together and see each other as equals. Professors and freshmen alike are all on the same page at UniSport. UniSport has been the stage for long-lasting friendships and even marriages and families have been formed through the UniSport community. The sense of community at UniSport is also about pulling together. Co-workers are helped when needed and work is kept together even in tight situations. Community is a strong part of UniSport's future.