What does your body composition reveal about your health?
UniSport offers InBody body compositions analysis, which gives you information about your body, ranging from the circumference of your biceps to amounts of intracellular water. So, which are the most important body composition measures to examine? Here are three key measures explained in detail:
1. Visceral fat
Visceral fat refers to harmful fat which surrounds the organs in the abdomen. It is a more important measure of health than measuring other body fat. Body fat can be observed simply by looking in the mirror and therefore is usually noticed more often than hidden visceral fat.
Visceral fat is packed around the abdominal organs thus harming blood circulation and metabolism in these organs. High amounts of visceral fat have been linked to several serious conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Making changes in your lifestyle can affect the amount of visceral fat in just a few months. Our body is smart: it wants to get rid of the harmful fat first when it uses more energy than is consumed. This small energy deficit is important for losing fat and weight loss.
Conversely, exercising less and unhealthy food habits can cause an increase in visceral fat. Not exercising and unhealthy eating along with excessive alcohol consumption, stress hormones and genetic factors have a negative effect on the amount of visceral fat surrounding different organs. This is why visceral fat is a good measure for monitoring lifestyle changes.
The body composition analysis will give you a concrete value, to see if the amount of visceral fat is in the normal (1-9) range.
2. Muscle mass
Many people understand the importance of muscle strength and muscle mass the older they get. Your muscle mass may determine will you have challenges moving when you’re older, or will you be an active pensioner who can take part in physical activities.
Muscle power is at its maximum at around the age of 30, and then slowly starts decreasing over time. Luckily, muscle mass and strength can be trained and improved at all ages! The earlier you start, the better chance you have of developing and building a stronger base for the future.
The body composition analysis shows if your muscle mass at a healthy level and gives a suggestion for the optimum amount of muscle mass, if you are lacking it. The results also display how the muscle mass is located in the body (upper body, core and lower body) and show if there are any differences in the distribution on each side of the body.
3. Bone mineral mass
Bone tissue changes throughout your whole life. When you hit your thirties, more bone starts breaking down than new is made. Healthy habits can help slow this process down and maintain functional bones.
You can strengthen your bones by adapting a healthy diet and doing high-impact sports, which challenge your bones with a variety of fast movements. Ball sports, dance and aerobic exercise are effective sports to improve bone health. If jumping and skipping do not suit you, consider gym training to strengthen your bones.
The body composition analysis reveals the bones’ mineral mass, which can be compared to recommended values.
Take your first measurement of these important health indicators
Understandably, people can be nervous about taking a body composition measurement, as they are afraid of receiving disappointing results which can also be seen by the trainer conducting the analysis. If you are nervous, remember that the trainers are not there to judge your results. The main goal is to analyze the results from an objective and positive perspective!
The purpose of the measurement is to encourage you to look after your body by exercising and having healthier food habits. The main aim of the analysis is to motivate you to take care of your health and well-being.
You can take a body composition analysis in UniSport Kluuvi and UniSport Kumpula. When you want to take an InBody measurement, you can choose between (1) a measurement conducted by a trainer including feedback or (2) an independent drop-in measurement without booking an appointment. Find our more and book a time here.