Tips for wellbeing when working from home
Regular breaks are crucial when working from home. When only interruptions come digitally, you can end up working long time nonstop. Taking small breaks, switching your posture around often, getting up top get a glass of water, breathing or stretching will energize and make you feel better both mentally and physically. If you forget to pause your work, you can always set up your calendar to remind you. When it comes for ergonomics, there is no one posture that works best when at remote office. It is more about how you carry yourself and not keeping one posture for too long.
The biggest challenge for most right now is that all life revolves around the same place. Taking breaks keeps day floating, and so do routines set around the starting and ending the work. If you are able to leave the house, walk and breathe fresh air for few minutes before starting. First task in the morning could be listing all days’ work. During the day, mark them done while progressing, and in the end of the day go through what you have accomplished. It also helps to write down all work-related thoughts before finishing for the day. Moving your mind from work to free time, it helps to have a routine to do after work as well. Choose one that makes you happy and relaxed, for example having a virtual coffee with a friend, dancing around for few minutes, stretching, walking the dog or whatever floats your boat.
Recovering from work is also easier if your time off is different to the time you spend at work. This can be a challenge now as it located in same space, but in nutshell, if you work on computer all day, avoid spending all evening doing that too. You could try to limit the screen time by going for run, walking in a forest, exercising, cooking or reading a book for example.
While working from home, it is harder to socialize with your colleagues. Coffee breaks usually have the best conversation, and it is harder to know how everyone is doing when there is no chance to quick chitchats. It is also important to take the breaks when working remotely, so you can arrange to meet through Teams or Zoom for lunch or coffee with colleagues. Also few minutes in the start of meeting can be dedicated to asking from your colleagues how they are. If these are hard to organize, perhaps an informal weekly meeting dedicated for chitchat and coffee could do the trick.
Main thing is to remember to look after your wellbeing. Be patient and listen to yourself as well how your team mates are. Circumstances are new, communication methods are changing fast and unusual situation can bring out emotions like stress and anxiety. It helps to do things that give you happiness in regular circumstances as well. If you cannot for example participate to your favorite hobby at the moment, try to find a way alternative way to join in, plan the future or find out about something new you always been curious with. Listen to your body and remember to move as it nurtures both your body and mind. Eat well, maintain your social relationships and remember to rest. It is ok not to follow the news all the time, talk about other things and plan the future already. Getting bored is nothing to be afraid of either as it often gives space to new thoughts.
Take a break with UniSport Huolettomat hartiat live from Think Corner Mon-Fri at 1pm.
Tips and short exercise videos are available at UniSport Instagram.