Ancillary sales and equipment rentals

Forgot a lock or a pair of clean socks? Need a snack? You want to play but haven't got a racket? We can help!

UniSport sells and rents products for you in Kluuvi, Kumpula, and Otaniemi during the opening hours of the sports center's customer service. Equipment borrowed from the customer service must be returned before the customer service closes. Please note that during the self-service hours in Kumpula and Otaniemi, the equimpent rental is not available.


  • Protein bars and drinks,
  • other beverages and snacks,
  • shuttlecocks
  • padlocks, socks, towels, yoga mats and
  • UniSport's gift cards.

Equipment Rentals

Training_towel_drinking_bottle and shoes.
Kluuvi's Rental and Loan Equipment
Kumpula's Rental and Loan Equipment
Otaniemi's Rental and Loan Equipment