Get a Training Card
Training card is the most popular choice with our customers. It gives you access to all our locations and includes great variety of sports; gym, over 220 weekly group training classes and different ball game groups. It also includes right to reserve places in classes and sport sessions. As a Training card customer you can also exercise wherever you are, it includes both live-streamed online classes and on-demand training videos.
Get UniSport training card! Training card can be purchased for one (1), four (4) or twelve (12) months
- All-day Training card; workout any time
- Half-day training card; train Mon-Fri before 15:00 and after 20:30 and Sat-Sun all day.
How to get your training card?
Register at our website by clicking Create an account. If you have HAKA identification, by using it to register at UniSport your discount group will show automatically. You can purchase the training card online or at any UniSport location with customer service desk. Please notice that there is no customer service at UniSport Töölö or Meilahti and customer service desks at UniSport Kumpula and Otaniemi are open part of the day.
- The period of validity of the training card begins the first time you use your card, but no later than 30 days after the date of purchase.
- If you purchase your first training card online, you will also need an access card for signing up to services and entering self-service facilities. Pick your access card from our customer service in Kluuvi, Kumpula or Otaniemi. Please notice the opening hours of the customer service desk in Kumpula and Otaniemi. More information about opening hours here.